by Roger Dowsett - 15:39 on 20 June 2019
Boat hire info updated.
by Roger Dowsett - 10:51 on 03 March 2019
Version 3.0 release of NC500 Fishing Map
by Roger Dowsett - 15:43 on 22 February 2019
Info added for access to River Dionard.
by Roger Dowsett - 14:42 on 16 February 2019
Information added for fishing on the River Ness, and trout lochs to the south of Inverness.
by Roger Dowsett - 16:09 on 25 January 2019
Update to river categorisations based on provisional recommendations from Marine Scotland Science.
by Roger Dowsett - 10:45 on 05 June 2018
Where to get permits for Ledmore, Badanloch & Achentoul Estate lochs.
by Roger Dowsett - 10:00 on 30 March 2018
Launch of website.
Assynt House
Coul House Hotel
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